He loves to make Chloe laugh and smile. Chloe will be 6 months on the 17th. She is very fond of laying on her belly and is reaching for everything. She'll only eat food mixed with breast milk. She spits anything else out. So she's not eating very often right now. I've just been too busy to pump. I was curious to see what Noah was doing at her age. He was already crawling, sitting up on his own and pulling himself up in the crib and on furniture. I can't even imagine Chloe doing any of that! She still pretty much stays put.
Sounds like Makyla at that age. They're such content babies, and are perfectly happy just staying put! It's interesting to hear how different her and Noah are.
She sure is a doll, and wow look at all that hair! Soooo anxious to meet her in a couple weeks! I can't wait!!!!
Jill, LOVE the photos of the car - i feel your pain, and i just go to work and have to pump - so i have my purse, work bag, pump backpack, a cooler softpak for storing milk in company frig and transporting back to daycare, and then pack a lunch, and above all my mug of coffee in the AM! I'm finding it hard to fit pumping in to my work day, i'm so busy....and my little bugger is sleeping thru the night now, so there's no demand at night. So, i have a feeling I'll be done soon - i love breastfeeding, but hate pumping, so it's bittersweet.
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