Noah's new thing in the car is to question my sense of direction..."mom are we going the right way?", "this isn't how we get to school". He also loves to drive around our neighborhood and look at all of the "scary houses" that are decorated for Halloween.
I'm amazed by the shear volume of items that we load into our car on a daily basis! Since we've begun to drive the hour or so to Noah's preschool we leave the house at 10AM and return about 7 in the evening. So there are AM snacks, school lunch, a snack for the drive home and dinner to pack up each morning (or I'm learning, the night before), extra clothes for Noah and Chloe (it's in the 50's when we leave and 80's by lunch time right now), toys for Chloe, diapers for both, DVD player with movies for the evening trip, specification catalogs for appliances, kitchen cabinets, plumbing fixtures for planning purposes, measuring tape, stroller, baby carrier, diaper bags, the list just goes on and on! I remember when I used to leave the house with a wallet, phone and lip gloss! Life has changed so much.
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