Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our very 1st Blog - BY RAVE

I must admit to becoming a bit of a blog voyeur over the past few months! I've loved getting glimpses into our friends’ lives (as well as perfect strangers) from their blogs. So, I figured that it was time to get our own blog up and running. I have no idea what I'll write about, but I figured that there is always something going on in life that I tend to RAVE about. And Michael is always on a RANT, so here launches "RANT and RAVE" into cyberspace!

1 comment:

Joelle said...

Yaay for Rant's and Rave's! You guys are too funny!
So glad you started this, and now we can get a glimpse of a day in the life of the St. Claire's!

Thanks for sharing!

The Smith's