I've been trying to wait until Chloe was 6 or 7 months, like I did with Noah, to start her on solid foods. However, she's started to wake up and want to be fed 3 or 4 times a night this past week! Something she hasn't done since she was just a few months old. So we figured it was time for her to have her first taste of something "solid". I've been reading the book that my awesome mommy friend Kathy, gave to me when we met up at Disneyland 2 weeks ago. It's called "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron and is full of great advice and ways to make your own healthy baby food.
First, I used the double electric pump that my oldest and dearest friend Tiffany loaned to me. Wow, what a difference. I used a hand pump with Noah and it would take 3-4 sessions just to get a few ounces. 10 minutes, I had a good 3 oz of milk after having fed Chloe only half an hour earlier.
So I ran out and bought some organic bananas and mashed them with the breast milk until it was slightly thicker than the milk alone. We got Chloe outfitted in a hand me down bib from cousin Lucca and fed her a few bites. She's soooo mellow. She very sweetly took a few bites and then seemed content to try and wiggle her way out of the Bumbo seat.